Monday, October 26, 2009

Toba sojo/Chojugija: I love Japanese more each day

I thought I might get to some gardens on Monday, seeing as all the museums are shut, but there was no way, I was soaked almost immediately upon leaving the house, despite gumboots, poncho and brolly. Ended up just going to the shops and getting a bunch of groceries to lug home. One thing about this flat is it's too small to do a big food shop, small bar fridge, one food cupboard etc. I can't imagine how families live in the city, but I bloody well want to see.
Spent the day reading and trying to get a grip on the ancient art here, 'Important Cultural Property', I love the term. Getting lost in online scrolls, and marvelling at the calligraphy and the mastery of ink. I have a few bottles of ink, but am scared to open them, as I am a messy girl and don't know how to protect the house from my splatters! But this is the place to do it, so when I am in the right frame of mind, which is coming, I will begin.
I was reading about the spiritual world here, and how involved in sake it is. I have seen some festivities and the portable shrine jostling is a combination of ritual and drunkenness! I was wondering why so many of the carriers were smoking and literally carrying on, but now I understand it's because of the spirits they have imbibed. At the Meiji shrine, there are sake casks along the avenue, and spirits are literally alcohol. How similar to voodoo rituals and also Catholicism, booze is such a big part of the culture.
I got myself a bottle last night, I wanted to have some for Fiona when she arrived, but ended up cracking it open. It was Shoshu, made from potatoes I believe, and really reminds me of vodka. Made a hot dinner for myself and drank away, it was so cold outside, for the first time I had to shut the balcony door. I fear the weather getting too cold, I don't think I have enough warm clothes!
But today is super sunny, in fact the sky is bluer today than I have seen it yet. I am off to Ueno Park for some mass gallerying and then later a catch up in Yanaka with my favourite dance crew. For those questioning the style, the dance is very organic, and has different rules according to what they have worked out before. It is modern, and mostly quiet, except sometimes a bit of singing, and words from the prophet. It is elegant and amazing, believe me.

1 comment:

  1. Bored with porn?
    Art making can be like that, for me anyway. Gotta wait till I'm sooo bored it's the only thing left to do.
    Although the internet is an awesome bored time waster.
