Friday, October 2, 2009

DAY 14

Really beautiful rain today, very straight lines, quiet but offering a muffling effect, which helped me sleep in. I have seen a Hokusai print of the rain, and it captures it exactly.
Went for a walk trying to find a stance of trees that I could see from my window. I found this beautiful park up a hill, with windy paths and completely deserted except for the cats, fish and birds. Heard the strangest bird sound ever. The green was amazing, and there was a mist over the water, so intense and still. I savoured the smells of the earth and leafy energy, meandering around each path way in delight. The biggest trees I have seen in Tokyo yet, all with little benches to sit on.
There was a shrine nearby and it started really pouring, so I stayed under it's shelter for a little while, savouring the solitude.
Feel very Zen today. I saw someone the other day hanging their washing out on the roof, and the time and effort it took, but what an immaculate job they ended up doing. Towels and sheets perfectly hung, very balanced composition and colours. Yesterday on the train I stood at the back, where you look through the guard's compartment and out their big window at where you were. The compartment was so utilitarian, and the guard so immaculate and precise with his movements. Bless his heart, the telephone cord was coiled just so, everything in it's place. The only personal item was his spectacles case, with a floral decoration. It's touches like that that surprise and amaze me. People have little holders for all and sundry, their books have a pocket, theres a folder for their pass and another for their phone. Every phone has dangly bits hanging off of it! I guess it personalises it, and makes it easier to grab hold of?
I feel so messy in contrast.
Tomorrow I am going to an opening party in Hongo.

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