Thursday, October 1, 2009

DAY 13

Best day ever, went to the Edo-Tokyo Museum, which is next door to the Sumo stadium. As warned, Sumo wrestlers were wandering around, airing their ankles. I am furious with myself for just missing the last championship, and there will be no more bouts in Tokyo, perhaps I will have luck elsewhere. I am hooked. I am in love!
Let me xplain that the big fat baby men are looking GOOD, wandering in their cotton kimonos, and wooden flip slicked back, very clean shaven and smelling like heaven. I don't know who gets to massage the sweet coconut, jasminey, tuberose oils into their big lucious bodies, but I want to do it! They sort of waddle, well, the bigger ones do, with their legs well apart, maybe they are wearing that nappy thing for their training, but its a massive, impressive sight, and I could not control my big grin. They leave a wake of their scent as they glide gracefully up the streets, their shoes dragging and announcing their arrival. One caught my eye, as I am as big as some of them, and he held my gaze with this beautiful matched grin, for he knew what I was admiring, and he was proud. I followed some around, delirious heart beating. On my way home I had the great pleasure of seeing a couple of hulks leaving McDonalds...oh I have died and gone to heaven. It was really easy to get there, so I think I will be returning, and the Museum was awesome as well, but I am in love!


  1. Goffers, you've become a chubby chaser!
    What a shame you missed them in action.
    THAT would be a sight to see for sure.

  2. I have heard there are more tournaments out of town, so I might be able to see their mighty plays in action. And they are more than chubby, they are huge men, lots of muscle, and in their woody shoes they are even taller. It's their sheer gigantitude that's so attractive.

  3. Maybe giant manchaser is a better phrase?
