a parking ranger not give a ticket to an illegally parked car today, 'cos the owner came out of the cafe screaming blue murder, and couldn't walk easily. I was out the front and everyone stopped and watched, while he re-neged based on her rage. It was a great coup as he negated the ticket and walked off. No-one had ever seen such a thing. Unfortunately 2 of the people I was with both got parking fines.
I'm talking to every person I come across, I am meeting strangers every day and they are all special. I even interrupted strangers to talk to them! I can't believe we all speak the same language, and how nice most people are...friendly and open...it warms my heart. At the beach the other day, there were pleasant smiles and exchanges and I understood everything! It is great to communicate easily, and have a laugh. I used to take this so for granted but now I treasure it.
The funny thing is other years when I have returned from overseas, I have had the same feeling, but it wasn't so consistent, I was much more inhibited. It would only last a day or two, and then get wiped by circumstances. I have been home for two weeks now, and it is still a thrill. I want it to go on.

The cicadas in the trees make such beautiful music, and this year our frogs in the garden have multiplied, so it sounds like a rhythmic session of wooden boxes all aclutter at night, especially when it rains. There is a dead lorikeet on the power lines outside the house though, I ,must get it down, it was electrocuted the other night, and breaks my heart each time I see it.
This time of year is so divine in Sydney, so many people on holidays, so much laughter and ease in the air.
I feel happy, as I know so much beauty and my world has expanded to Japan. I look at the maps and see where we are all situated, and the trough around Japan, it is fascinating. And I found fresh tofu. The Koreans, bless them, they have it!
It is New Year's Eve today, I intend to live as well as I can, and celebrate tonight on top of the hill at Sydney Park with friends and neighbours. I am not going to drink too much, I need to channel peace, and good and prepare myself for the amazing year ahead. I think I am going to begin my garden action on the 1st January, so if anyone wants to drop around after 8pm on Friday evening, you will find me out the back, in situ.
Love. 愛
looking fwd to seeing u soon!!!!!!!!!! your blog s VERY inspiring indeed!! xoxoxoxoxoxox
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