Sink with automatic water, soap and hand dryer!
Hm, I have been walking on sunshine today, nothing can quell my amazing lightness of step, even if 3/4 of the Museum I went to was closed, I didn't care, I have achieved some progress. The process that is in place is developing, and for that I am super-grateful, feel very rich and rewarded.
I feel so privileged, I can't believe it, after nearly 3 months, I still can't believe I am here. Today I went back to Tokyo National Museum, which was the first museum I had visited when I came here, and now it's old hat, but contextualised. The Buddhas and artwork (what little there was open) made sense now, I have context that I can apply. Wow, so there were pieces there that I could concentrate on, and soak in, and that I did. But it's just incredible how this vast museum can simply close exhibits, just willy-nilly it seems. Christ! I don't understand! It confounds me, I want gratification, but it comes in other ways, let me assure you.
On the way home, hungry, I stopped at the standing sushi bar, and had a fine fish miso then a few pieces of world-class sushi, and was so sated, so fulfilled, I went home and slept some more! And beautiful dreams as well.
When I ordered the chef said, "good choice", for all I know he says that to everyone, but I didn't care, I knew it was a good choice from how it tasted, and it was super-fucking wonderful and the perfect thing to be eating.
Moving through the crowds is so much easier for me these days, I just put my head down and don't worry about anyone else, and it works! Thanks to the Hoopers, who told me this was the way, it really is.
I feel all this love emanating from every stone, every pore, every leaf, all the order, it's a matter of perspective.

I will miss this place terribly. I will miss these wonderful spirited people. I will miss the designated areas for all so many activities, but most of all I will miss Yanaka and the super nights we have there full of expression and beauty and minimal processes and crazy discord combined with absolute synchronicity.
Oh my heart. Am I a dag or what?!
Love love love.

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