Walked to Xmas lunch the other day, traversing suburbs without passing a soul. No-one at all in my way! The city feels deserted, an occasional car, no foot traffic, it astounds me. I could just walk and walk, I have such energy in me I even ran part of the way the other day. Yesterday we went down to Glebe Park, and there were maybe a dozen people around. Granted it was raining, the smell of eucalyptus and all the undergrowth was singing. The mullet were jumping, throwing their silvery bodies into the air, why? Tempting the fishermen? Funny fish.
Walked around the tranquil bay, noticing the gentle peace that emanates from the land meeting the water. Noticing the changes that have occurred down there in the last decade, all those new flats squatting there so un-naturally. Lucky bastards. I love the Anzac Bridge now, since I walked across it, and caught sight of the most sensational public art work in Australia. It is well worth experiencing.

The busiest place in Sydney on Boxing Day would have to be the fish markets, where the eating and swallowing was going on full force. I could negotiate the crowd with my eyes closed after the throngs in Tokyo. Smelling the dull odours of old fat frying and just the sight of those mounds of calamari made me feel queasy. We went to yumcha upstairs and had a nice breakfast overlooking the water. Lovely dumplings hand made and steamed so sweetly in their baskets. I missed that in Japan. But I noticed the difference between Chinese and Japanese people, so much brisker, and less polite. Of course I haven't been to China yet, and look forward to a stint there, to draw yet more comparisons.

The gentle lapping water entered my dreams and was like a lullaby to me. My plan is to take sheets to the beach and build a hollow in the warm sand where I can nestle and sleep in the sun, next to the water.
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