Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I like tea

Maruyama Okyo book study
But I love it here.
Finally found bloody Tokyo Wonder Site in Hongo...I had gone one street wrong on that fateful night many weeks ago, due to road works, but I found it yesterday with the help of a very kind businessman who ran me there. There was one room of work I liked, but the rest was not for me.
Last night was a turning point for me in the Yanaka club, as the brilliant choreographer, Morisan brought ideas for me to play with, and I enjoyed playing very much. I set up the video camera on a tree, and participated wholly...checking back on the footage when I got home I was absolutely delighted, super fantastic I think. Maybe people will see what I see, I don't know. My emotions are caught up in the entire dialogue, and so perhaps I am reading too much into it, but the symmetry and details encapsulate everything I wanted to experience about Japan. I am sorry not to have taken photos but it was not possible.
The others performed amazingly, and when I looked at the footage I felt like there was such empathy with the camera's placement, such synchronicity, I was yelping out loud with delight.
Afterwards we went to a brightly chain restaurant near the station where you paid Y300, and could drink all the drinks you like...soft drinks, many many varieties of teas, fruit juices, hot coffee, cold tea and coffee. Civilised for the thirsty.
Today it is pouring with rain. The deluge is phenomenal, straight hoses of water descending from the sky.

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