Sunday, November 8, 2009

Everywhere I go

There are people studiously cleaning public places. Bands of people in aprons with all sorts of cloths and wipers on sticks, doing their fastidious best to erase the grime, and succeeding! At one train station there were three workers, one under the glass lid of a lightbox with a wiper, one holding t up, and one on the outside watching and pointing to where there wasn't perfection. I couldn't believe it.
The only 'mess' there is really is pukes, and those are left to dry and eventually the rain clears them away, although a puke fairy is definitely needed on this planet. I saw a couple of girls cleaning up their friend's vomit in the foyer of a karaoke bar...there is some serious drinking that goes on here, and at night on the trains it can be a real circus. I saw a trio of kids coming back from a night on the turps and they each had an empty plastic bag with them, for the outcome was certain and inevitable, so organised.
But this midnight flee, due to the last trains, makes me feel like Cinderella. But not alone, the masses that descend at the very last minute astound me, and the jocularity on the trains is worth catching the train for. I still dread being stuck somewhere, but the taxis are plentiful and I have yet to ride in one. All I know is that they are very expensive.
I love the trains, the myriad faces before me, each engaged with their thoughts, it is mostly very quiet, no-one speaks on the phone, but there are thousands of text messages going on, millions. The other day 5/7 people across from me were sleeping, and it was midday. Sometimes I just close my eyes because I have had too much visual and need to rest my poor peepers, but these people seem truly asleep. I love to watch their beauty! I wish I could follow them home and see where they live, I am so curious!
I had forgotten what it was like to live in a very big city, and the diversity of people you pass, of course I have gone on about the starers but there are also the men who approach in the sleaziest manner, leering and shaping their hands perversely. I remember New York was like that, but the men made their wants clear, too clearly verbal. I guess 'cos I can't understand what the men are saying here, its ok, I am not so embarrassed for them, I just walk away.
I had been given a free pass to the film "Rebirth of Buddha", and Sunday was the last day to use it, so I went along. I went to the counter and got my reserved seat, and when I went back out, a couple of women came over, and introduced themselves and were obviously from the Happy Science cult, eager for me to come to tea with them, and very glad I was seeing the film. It was an animation, and with very loud music to keep one awake. Pretty bad, I got the idea soon enough, was just happy to sit down to a narrative (English subtitles). Needless to say, at the end the ladies came back to me but I wasn't going there.
Paid to go into a park for the first time in my life, Shinjyuku Gyoen Natl. Garden, and had a great walk around there admiring the splendour. Really the grass here is combed and soft and made for yoga. Everywhere I went, beauty in some form. Monster carp, just incredible, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.
And then I saw this on a busy shopping avenue, this scene. I don't know what was going on, it was just too funny. In the time I was there, maybe 100 photos were taken, and I imagine over the day thousands.

What was interesting was that the usually busy roads were car free for some reason. I think its because that way more people can shop.
Went home with a bottle of Aussie red, and relaxed for a bit. Still had some fire in my soul so I went for a walk and found myself at an Outsider Bar...hmm, very very nice place, for a time I was the only customer, and I sat at the counter drinking shochu with the beautiful Machiko. She didn't speak much English, but we communicated nevertheless, especially with all the pictures of Marilyn and Doris Day around. It was the most wonderfully magic place I have ever been, some might say a bit like my house on a clean day! She was playing The Sting with Japanese subtitles, and 50's toe-tapping

I didn't have enough money on me to pay, so I promised to come back tomorrow, which may be lethal, but I can take more photos. She really didn't mind, she said "ichigo, ichie"- live in the moment...What a day, what a night! More love!


  1. are the cats real? are the people real? keep on living it up Sarah, hope you are as happy as you sound, L xx

  2. Real kitties...really! And they didn't get down from the sign...?!
    I am pretty fucking happy most of the time, can get lonely though, but I have music and love in my heart.
    Hope you are good sweet lady,
