Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beauty #1234

Had a beer on the platform while waiting for the train last night. It was twilight and a big moon skulked between clouds. For once I didn't have my headphones on, so I got to enjoy the evening sounds of crickets and frogs, the distant clatter of cutlery and the divine wind rustling the gum leaves. It was very special.
Every day I get to experience life after Japan, and I notice more things to take my time. I have always loved trees, but now I love them in a whole new way. I have always worshipped nature in general, whereas now, within the new context, I am devout about it.
Yesterday I went for a walk and found some beautiful blossoms I had never seen before, so I brought some home and am regarding them as priceless treasures. They are from an introduced tree in Pleasant Avenue that has a green trunk and major thorns all over the smooth bright green bark. They inspired me to make a new work.

Wondrous moon and Opera House sails, last night's concert was 'Ode to Liberty', an entirely abhorrent work which I endured because I was too polite to leave.

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